EA FC 25 Sniping Bot & Autobuyer

EA FC 25 Sniping Bot & Autobuyer

Automate your EA FC trades, enabling you to snipe cards below market value. Use the 24/7 updating sniping filters that adapt to the current market trends, which you can load with just one click.

Platform Logos
EA FC 25 Sniping Bot & Autobuyer
7.5 billion
total profit
30 million
avg. annual user profit*
5 million
avg. monthly user profit*

*Statistics are based on the EA FC 24 season and the top 10 monthly user averages.

Profit safely from automated trading

How does EA FC (FIFA) Sniping Bot & Autobuyer work?

With the help of an EA FC Sniping Bot, you can automate trades through a browser extension on the Web App. This allows you to snipe cards much faster than those trading manually. Thanks to this advantage, you can buy these cards below market price and then sell them at the regular price to make a profit. More

Safety comes first. Because we are players and the security of our profiles was a top concern during development, our application looks for the most secure solutions from every possible perspective.

Account Safety. Since you are not required to provide data for your EA account while it is active, your profile is not at risk of additional threats.

Official applications. All our applications can be downloaded in an official and certified form. The app is available as an iOS, Android, PC/MAC application, and as a Chrome Extension.


Our technology & solutions

Due to our unique and professional solutions, you can gain an extra advantage in the EA FC 25 market. The user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to navigate, and you can load filters that adapt to market trends 24/7 with just one click.

Hands-free sniping

Automatic Trading

Thanks to the "AutoTrading" feature, you can earn profits securely and passively. With just a few clicks, you can run the app for up to 5 hours. You have the option to load your own filters, use Live filters, or use the Trending filters that the community finds most profitable.

  • Secure searching from your own device
  • Up to 5 hours of runtime
  • Use of Custom, Live, and Trending filters

Secure Buying and Selling

Automatic Card Pricing

FUT Simple Trader uniquely monitors the current market prices of cards in real-time, ensuring that price fluctuations don't affect your profit margin. A key advantage is that we check the prices on the Web App, not from external sources (like FUTBIN). Between search cycles, the application verifies the card prices, ensuring that you always buy and sell cards at the best prices.

  • Always up-to-date card prices for buying and selling
  • Real-time Web App price checking (not FUTBIN)
  • Safe, Recommended, and Lazy selling modes

Most Efficient Filters

Live Filters

You'll never have to wonder which filters to use. You can easily load Live filters that analyze the current state of the EA FC market to ensure the best profit/search ratio. We assist in selecting the most efficient filters with continuous statistics and unique badges.

  • 24/7 filters
  • Automatic pricing
  • Statistic & badge system

Adapt to the Market

Trending Charts, Preset & Multi Rarity Filters

We track the statistics of thousands of active users to identify the most profitable filters. These can be instantly loaded as "Trending filters." We also provide Preset & MultiRarity filters, offering filter groups for every budget, allowing you to snipe multiple cards simultaneously. These filters often adapt to specific market niches, such as searching for cards needed for SBC solutions.

  • Trending filters based on statistics
  • Solution filters (SBC) & Promo filters
  • Group filters for every budget
  • Multi Rarity filters

Analyze your trades

Live Statistic Dashboard

Analyze your trades in the live statistical center. On the dashboard, you can instantly see the auctions while using the Sniping Bot, so you never miss anything and can dominate the EA FC market even more effectively.

  • Real-time statistics
  • Trending charts
  • Notifications
  • Reward Zone

And so much more...

In addition to the highlighted features, we offer many other functionalities.

Load/Save Custom Filters. Create your filters, save them, and use them anytime.

Filter Grouping. You can organize your saved filters into groups, which can be easily loaded into the AutoTrading function.

Filter rotation. With Auto Trading, you can easily rotate your custom filters with customizable settings.

Speed Modes. Choose from three speed modes during searches.

Search Breakes. Set how often the app should take breaks.

Auto Price Steps. The system automatically adjusts the min-max buy levels to provide a fresh list of results.

Add Limit. Limit your search sessions based on successful purchases, time, or the number of searches.

Coin Refresh. The Web App doesn't always update your coin balance; you can refresh it with a single button.

Onboarding. We guide you through your first purchase with a few simple steps.

Risk Info. Before starting a search, we indicate how secure your settings are.

Usage Sharing. The system will alert you if Usage Sharing is enabled in the Web App.

Market Activity. The search panel provides continuous information about current market activity.

Everything you need to know about EA FC (FIFA) Autobuyer & Sniping Bot

Everything you need to know about EA FC (FIFA) Autobuyer & Sniping Bot

The EA FC (FIFA) Ultimate Team reward system is well known to be unfair, as it is based primarily on how much real money a player can invest in the game. The best cards, such as Ronaldo (R9), Pelé, or Team of the Year Mbappé, can only be obtained by investing thousands of euros. Professional players can do this because of sponsorship, but only a few average users can afford it. As a result, alternative methods for earning FC (FIFA) coins, such as using an autobuyer or sniping bot, have emerged. Using autobuyers is one of the most effective alternative income solutions, and it is also extremely safe if a few rules are followed.

What exactly is EA FC Autobuyer, or a “Sniping Bot"?

Autobuyer is a browser extension that performs automated trading via the EA FC Web App. A robot can purchase cards on the market much faster than a human can. This allows you to easily win auctions at lower prices and profit by selling the players at their regular price.

All you have to do is set a few configuration options, start the automated search, and the system will do the rest, buying and selling cards as the number of coins grows.

How many coins can be earned using the autobuyer?

We can get very expensive cards at a low price with huge profits using an autobuyer, but luck is considered necessary; it's not a profitable strategy in the long run. If we choose a good service, we can produce consistent, predictable profits. This is typically 50,000 to 200,000 coins per day, but experienced users can reach multiple times that amount. Of course, a variety of factors affect this, such as market volatility, the timing of our searches, and the quality of our settings. Still, this many coins can be obtained with minimal effort.

How do I choose an autobuyer?

Safety first!

Select a service developed by an experienced team with strong technical backgrounds. The basis of safe operation is for the service to simulate human behavior as much as possible without appearing robotic. Many programs do not take this into account; the plug-in completely changes the code and appearance of the Web App and communicates with the EA server via a back-end server connection. These factors significantly increase the chances of the EA's automatic security system detecting that we are purchasing with the help of a robot.

Choosing a complex service

In terms of user experience, technical solutions, and services, there are numerous low-quality market players among autobuyers. Sniper programs cannot operate faster than each other above a certain level of development quality, so it is mostly a matter of chance if, for example, two bots bid on the same card at the same time.

There are lots of claims that it is possible to obtain cards worth millions at a low cost, but this is untrue. Those who regularly use sniping bots will undoubtedly have a few big catches, but they will quickly realize it is not worth solely focusing on such deals.

As a result, the other services provided by the sniping bot maker are a decisive factor. With high-quality supplementary services, profits will be maximized, predictable, and consistent (such as constant trading tips, sniping filters, assistance in use, and security tips).

Eventually, the quality of aftermarket services will be as important to auto buyers as a solid technical foundation. We should always double-check what we are paying for.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a sniping bot?

The following are the most significant advantages of using a sniping bot:

  • Coin production: With consistent use, we can produce several million coins in days, allowing us to purchase any card in the game in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Time savings: We only need to make configuration settings, and the robot works for us.
  • Efficiency: Purchases are several times faster than manual, so real users have almost no chance of winning a very low-priced card.

Disadvantages of using an autobuyer:

  • Energy investment: Autobuyer operates largely automatically, but it requires some effort to use.
  • Profile ban: There is a very slight chance that your account will be banned. If you choose a low-quality service or if someone violates the terms of service.

Can you be banned for using an sniping bot & autobuyer?

The chance is incredibly small. Installing sniping bots does not increase the chance of being banned.

EA does not support third-party applications or their use to gain an advantage over others, and can only ban them if it is noticeable. The manufacturer can only use an automated system to track whether individual users use such programs.

You cannot lose your team & market access. If you do not follow the rules, you may get banned due to excessive market usage (even without using a Sniping Bot), but this only applies to the Web App. You can still trade in the game, and your team is safe.

Technically, it is impossible to tell if a visitor is using an external extension while browsing the website. We've always tried to fully simulate real human activity by not modifying the WEB APP code in the background and only moving the mouse on behalf of users.

Although EA Sports bans many user accounts, these bans are carried out by algorithms that search for accounts based on specified factors that may or may not be bots. For example:

  • They have many transactions on the market but don't play the game much or have little time spent playing,
  • They spend more time on the market than the normal average: for example, they search the market for 0- 24 hours, search very fast on the market, or have many transactions; for example, they continuously do 1,000 searches per hour.

EA algorithms look for patterns to identify robot users, so if a user's transaction count is too high, the account will be logged out and subjected to a captcha solution, which is a robot check. This captcha round may appear several times; the goal is to always solve it correctly. It is best to solve this captcha correctly and without errors as soon as possible, with a higher rating, to demonstrate that you are not a robot.

Everything is limited in EA FC, and you can be soft-banned (short-term temporary ban) for anything. Do you remember the World Cup swap matches? EA restricts every activity in the game that can result in infinite coins by repeating monotonous actions (which can be done by a robot). If you play too many golden goal matches in a short period, you will receive a soft ban.(https://dotesports.com/fifa/news/how-to-fix-the-world-cup-swaps-soft-ban-issue-in-fifa-23). This also applies to the market; if you buy too many players in a short period of time (50+ players in a few minutes, but this varies), you will be temporarily banned from the market, protecting against robots and automation. This applies whether you are trading manually or using a sniping robot.

A permanent ban is usually the result of serious misbehavior, and EA severely penalizes coin selling and buying. For example, if you accidentally purchase players for more than their price and the majority of them are from the same seller, or if the number of transactions is high, EA may analyze it as giving coins to other profiles, which is against the rules. You may make this error without even realizing it. There have been many such bans, e.g.:

  • UCL Messi sold for TOTY Messi's price, an immediate ban,
  • Everyone who bought a large number of red pick cards that were sellable due to an EA error was banned etc.

So, if you follow the rules below, you will be among the average users and will not be banned.

  • You search for different times and amounts (not every day at the same time).
  • You search for different cards (not Snipe R9; this only works in fairy tales).
  • You play the game and occasionally visit the market.
  • Take days off when you don't trade at all or only trade a little.
  • Don't aim for a few hundred coin profit (don't look for a common gold card for 600 coins to sell for 900 coins; instead, aim for a profit of at least 500 to 1000 coins per card).
  • Always be careful and buy at or below the current minimum price, but sell at the current price plus a maximum of 15%.
  • Be patient; if the market is not active, don't force it; There are always busy periods when you can make a lot of coins quickly; save your search budget for these times.

Account strength - one of the most important security factors

Nobody knows the exact EA defense/banning algorithm built into the Web App, but we have thousands of active users, several years of experience, and millions of transactions. We also have connections with multiple coin sellers who use our system, and they have a lot of banning information since they use numerous profiles for coin farming.

Based on this information, adhering to some security rules can reduce the chances of being banned.

Profile Age

It matters when you registered the profile. If it's brand new, the EA system is much more suspicious of you. Older profiles are more tolerated and receive warnings later.

Match Earnings, Active Playtime

As mentioned earlier, spending as much time playing the game as trading is crucial. As the game season progresses, this value should continuously increase, so you need to remain active in the game. While there's no exact number, you can follow these two rules:

  • Aim for reaching 100,000 Match Earnings before TOTY.
  • After TOTY, try to surpass 200,000.

Access Match Earnings by clicking on the Web App Leaderboard menu. Click on the Filter icon, select "Friends," and you can see your own statistics.

Champs (Weekend League) Activity, Wins

Champs is a significant part of the game, so your activity in it influences the strength of your profile. Advancing to Champs involves playing Rivals and qualification matches, resulting in actively playing games. There's no precise quantity, but having at least 30-60 WL wins strengthens your profile.

Progressive Use

The three mentioned factors significantly influence when the EA system flags unusual usage. The goal is to make our usage resemble that of a real person. If you have a strong profile, the Web app won't assume you only have an illegal coin farming profile, allowing more activity without raising suspicions.

So, having more daily searches, more transactions, and using Multi Rarity filters might not be immediately noticeable.

Multi Rarity Filters

While many love Multi Rarity filters for passive running and potential large snipes, be aware that this isn't the natural use of the Web app. It sends a modified database query to the EA system, something the Web app doesn't do by default. This makes it easier to detect that you're trying to gain an advantage in the game in a not entirely legal way.

The strength of your profile determines when you can use this feature safely. If you want to stay completely safe, avoid this function (we also issue warnings everywhere). However, if you still want to use it, we recommend doing so with a stronger profile.

Live Filters: The Safest Solution

Live Filters remain the safest usage option. They not only offer additional profit opportunities but are built for the safest usage overall. Constantly change filters, run them at different intervals, and take breaks.

If you build your coin budget only with this method, you're in the greatest safety even with weaker profiles.

Of course, all other rules should be adjusted according to the strength of your profile. For example, if the profile is entirely new and has no match earnings, don't set the daily search limit to 5000; start with fewer and gradually increase. This applies to every factor.

We hope it's clear what we wanted to convey: measure the amount of bot usage according to the strength of your profile.

Which one should I choose: FC (FIFA) points, coin purchase, trading group, or autobuyer?

There is no way to gain many coins in the game by playing matches, completing challenges, and achieving good results. We have gathered all possible solutions to make the picture completely transparent.

FC (FIFA) points

This is based on EA's business model. FC points are obtained from players and used to obtain packs and open players. The problem is that this is not guaranteed to produce coins and is entirely dependent on chance to determine what is in the packs. It has a low chance of opening a high-value card, so you must spend thousands of euros if you want top cards.

EA Sports hides the real possibility of opening a valuable card. Each chance number only applies to the rarity of the given card; for example, you have a 5% chance of opening a promo card, but the chance is not equal between the top and low-value cards in the promo. No one would open packs if EA announced the odds of opening a valuable promo card (for example, Neymar).

Coin purchase

The second fastest solution is for users to buy coins from specialized websites. Although they try to develop the most secure system for coin flow, as we stated in the security section, the system's algorithm punishes this method the most severely. The price is much more ideal than FC points, with 1 million coins costing around 100 euros.

Trading group

Trading is an effective solution, but learning and producing high profits take time. Subscribing to trading groups is already considered a much cheaper solution, with the top groups charging around 25 euros per month. Because investments in this market are often long-term, the price of a card can fall, resulting in a loss of coins. Here, we get constant advice on which players to buy and when to sell them.

Sniping bot & Autobuyer

Autobuyers are available for a monthly fee of around 10–30 euros, depending on additional services (e.g., trading tips). With this amount, anyone can make a profit of 3–8 million per month without any trading experience. Not to mention if there are a couple of big deals among the snipes. The purchased cards are almost immediately sold in this case, making them less exposed to market fluctuations.

Conclusion: Is it worth using an autobuyer?

Yes, absolutely! We're discussing the best alternative coin in terms of value for money. With some energy investment, this acquisition method can create several million monthly profits. Furthermore, as long as the above-mentioned rules are followed, there is no need to be concerned about the risk of a ban.


Pricing • Get started for free

One Subscription, Unlimited Possibilities

Our all-in-one service makes it easy for you to earn millions.


4.90 +VAT per month
3.45 +VAT per month
Billed €13.90 + VAT annuall

Earn coins with our Autobuyer.

Sniping Bot
  • Desktop Applications (PC & Mac)
  • Automatic Search, Purchase & List
  • Custom Filter Save & Load
  • Slow & Normal Speed Mode
  • Statistics Center & Leaderboards
  • Notifications
Reward Zone
  • Complete tasks, collect FST Points & get rewards in the store
  • Prediction Game with monthly rewards


13.90 +VAT per month

Everything in Basic, and:

Sniping Bot
  • Access to iOS & Android Application
  • Auto Trading (Without Filters)
  • Auto Pricing (Custom Filters)
  • Trending Charts (Community Snipes)
  • Turbo Speed Mode
  • 2 EA Account Changes / Month
  • Discord Benefits
Trading Tips
  • Basic Strategies and Trading Guides
Reward Zone
  • Gift 100 FST Points / Month
Estimated profit / month * 2 million coins+


17.90 +VAT per month
7.48 +VAT per month
Billed €29.90 + VAT annuall

Everything in Pro, and:

Sniping Bot
  • 7/24 Live, Trending & Preset Filters
  • Multi Rarity Preset Filters (Big Snipe)
  • Auto Trading (With Live, Preset & Trending Filters)
  • Unlimited EA Account Changes
  • Priority Discord Support
  • Access to Latest Features
Trading Tips
  • Tips by 5+ Advanced Traders
  • Investments for All Budgets
  • Market Analysis & Advanced Trading Guides
Reward Zone
  • Gift 200 FST Points / Month
  • Unlockable Dashboard Perks
  • Exclusive Store Discounts
  • Extra tasks for FST Points
  • Free Prediction Game Entry
Estimated profit / month * 5 million coins+

Start 24 hours free Premium trial

No credit card is required • 30 day money back guarantee at

* Statistics are based on the EA FC 24 season and the top 10 monthly user averages.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find the answers to your FUT Simple Trader questions right here.

General questions

The FIFA Ultimate Team Simple Trader is a powerful trading tool based on the FIFA Ultimate Team market. The application automates purchases while also providing tips and statistics on them. You can gain a competitive advantage over others by making purchases, allowing you to earn a measurable profit in the game's internal currency (FIFA Coin).

FIFA points and packages can be bought in the game to earn in-game money. Because this is entirely dependent on chance, you can only produce many coins at a high cost.

Another (illegal) option is to pay a high price to buy coins from online stores. A million coins are currently worth around $190.

However, with the help of FUT Simple Trader and some effort, you can quickly earn this number for only $20 per month.

Even inexperienced users can quickly reach a profit of 100,000 coins per day by following our general advice.

A more experienced trader can earn 300k to 800k per day.

Everything, of course, is dependent on basic liquidity as well as market intensity.


There is a small chance that EA will ban your account because it does not support third-party tools.

Using the app is the same as using it manually. All functions have been designed to control the WEB APP with traditional mouse clicks. As a result, it is not riskier than trading manually.

When EA discovers illegal coin trading, players are typically banned. If you follow the safety tips we've developed, you can almost eliminate the possibility of being banned. For example, if you buy or sell a player at a price higher than the market due to a mistyped filter.

Over the course of a year of testing, no profile was banned, and we earned more than 10 million coins.

Of course, EA uses automation and robots to protect itself from unauthorized coin access.

This causes it to automatically close after a certain number of searches and requires you to enter a Captcha. This proves that you are not a robot. After that, you can resume using the Web APP. This is how it works whether you search the market manually, automatically, through a WEB APP, or in a game.

There is also a "soft ban" that the player receives if he overuses the market. This is related to the number of searches and the number of successful transactions. You will be temporarily banned from using the market app from the Web APP if you exceed a certain limit. In this case, after pressing the search button, you will see a red error message and an empty web list of results. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to a day, according to our tests, depending on the number of searches.

The good news is that sticking to our rules will completely prevent the "soft ban," and the captcha only occasionally appears. You can read more about safety tips here.

You can almost eliminate the chance of your profile and WEB APP being banned by following a few simple tips:

  • Always take breaks between stages of your search.
  • Keep your daily search numbers under 5,000 and spread them out as much as possible.
  • Use “Turbo Mode” for extensive searches only for a few minutes and then take a break.
  • Take a break from searching for a few hours if you still receive the “soft ban.”
  • Make sure to carefully and accurately complete the Captcha.
  • Play the game on a regular basis rather than just using the web app.
  • Be patient; if you follow these rules, you can make a profit!

Internal security measures frequently maintain our users' safety. For instance:

  • We do not allow you to sell the player for less than the price you paid for it.
  • We do not automatically bid when there are ten or more results in a search; approval is required to ensure that the settings are correct.
  • When no player is selected and a search is started, we must wait for confirmation.

Setup and Usage

Installing the FUT Simple Trader app from the official store only requires a Google Chrome browser. After installation, you must log in using your profile data. You can register or subscribe using this link.

Our plugin is available at this link. Launch the FIFA Web App after clicking the installation button, and the sidebar will appear. If the Web app was already open, an update is required before it will load.

Yes, we have mobile applications.

You can get to the statistics center by clicking on this link.

No, you can only link a subscription to one profile and one EA account. If you want to link your subscription to another EA account, please contact support@futsimpletrader.com.

According to our tests, 5,000 search numbers per day are safe. However, this should never be done all at once but rather throughout the day with breaks.

You can increase your efficiency by following these general guidelines:

  • Follow our "Safety Tips," which you can find HERE.
  • Check that the transaction has been set up in accordance with the prices before each listing.
  • Use our social features to share your experience with others.

The three-speed levels make it easier to use your daily search effectively.

You can earn coins all day long, almost passively, by using "Safe mode," which pauses for 2 minutes after 20 searches before continuing the search.

"Normal mode" is the average speed, and you can leave the app running for a while, but you should manually take breaks every 30 to 60 minutes.

"Turbo mode" doubles the speed of the search. You can use this when you need to react quickly to market changes. A 10- to 20-minute break is recommended. It requires the most attention, but you can quickly make huge profits.

There are three risk groups based on intensity: low risk, medium risk, and high risk. This indicates the possibility of receiving a “soft ban” or captcha. If you follow the guidelines, no restrictions will appear in either mode.

You can read more about the WEB APP defense mechanism and bans here.

Anyone can use the tool to buy cards at a lower price and then sell them at a higher price, so no market knowledge is required.

But if you want to maximize profit, it is worth learning a little about the market and trading trends and using the guidance we provide.

We provide general usage tips to all our users. Only our Premium subscribers receive personalized advice on current events.

Payment & Support

You can start your subscription through the Patreon platform. More details will be provided during the checkout process.

You can cancel your subscription at any time. After canceling your subscription, you can continue to use our services for the rest of the month.

If, despite the usage recommendations we've provided, you don't achieve a profit with the program, or in special cases, we will refund your subscription fee within 30 days. However, if you continue to use the application for multiple days and generate a profit, the refund guarantee will no longer be valid. The subscription fee will not be refunded even if you use a large number of Live filters. We will examine each case individually.

For lifetime purchases, there is no possibility for a refund.

Click here to join our Discord group and get trading advice from our community.