Trading & Investment Tips

Traditional investment tips are based on short- and mid-term market fluctuations. You should buy cards at a low price point and sell them at a higher price a few hours or days later. If you want to know the best times to buy and sell your cards, join our Discord server. Throughout the season, over 5 professional traders will provide you with trading and investment advice.

Everything You Need to Know About EA FC Trading

Everything You Need to Know About EA FC Trading

EA FC Trading is a key strategy in the Ultimate Team (UT) mode, allowing players to buy cards at low prices and sell them at higher ones. This method not only allows for a rapid increase in in-game currency but also strengthens and makes your team more competitive. By taking advantage of market trends, players can consistently upgrade their club and improve their overall gaming experience.

Pros and Cons of EA FC Tradingg

Like any strategy, EA FC Trading has its advantages and disadvantages that should be considered before diving in.


  • Quick Coin Accumulation: Successful trading allows for rapid in-game currency growth, making it easier to acquire better players and cards.
  • Competitive Team: With the coins earned through trading, you can build a stronger, more competitive team, improving your chances of success against other players.
  • Learning Opportunity: Trading offers insights into market dynamics, helping you understand in-game economic systems over time.
  • Flexibility: Multiple strategies—such as sniping, mass bidding, or investing in popular cards—allow you to adapt trading methods to suit your style and objectives.
  • Potential for Profit: If you accumulate a significant amount of coins, you can potentially sell them for real money.


  • Time-Consuming: Constantly monitoring the market, searching for deals, and timing buys and sells require a lot of time and attention, especially if aiming for higher profits.
  • Risk: Due to market volatility, card prices can drop, leading to losses if trades aren't timed well. Market fluctuations are unpredictable and can significantly affect trading strategies.
  • Competition: With many players competing for good deals, finding successful trades can be challenging, particularly if you're not familiar with all market details. It's useful to join top FC Trading advisory servers.

Discord: The Ideal Platform for EA FC Trading Tips

Discord servers have become the go-to platform for EA FC Trading communities because they provide numerous advantages for sharing trading tips and interacting with others.

Here's why Discord is effective for developing and implementing trading strategies.


Discord offers various channels for different topics, such as specific trading strategies, market updates, or tips on particular cards. This makes it easy for players to find relevant information and apply it to their trading efforts.


Tips and information shared on Discord servers are received in real-time, which is crucial in trading where timing can be a key factor. If someone spots a good deal or market trend, they can quickly share it with the community, allowing others to act quickly.

Focused Communities

Discord servers often attract groups with shared interests, like those centered on EA FC Trading. This means members can rely on helpful advice from a community of players actively engaged in the market.

Anonymity and Security

Discord allows users to share tips and strategies anonymously, offering a secure environment for those who prefer to keep their personal information private. This setup encourages open questions and the sharing of experiences.

What Makes a Good EA FC Discord Server?

One important factor in EA FC Discord servers is following the tips of skilled and experienced traders. Spreading your investments can make generating profits more reliable. It's also crucial that the server promotes a well-structured environment: traders should work together closely, coordinating their strategies. Creating such systems takes time and resources, which is why the most advanced servers are often subscription-based.

Subscription Discord servers offer more features, providing members with exclusive, high-quality content and tips. These servers typically filter out irrelevant information, making sure only the most useful details reach the community. This approach is especially helpful for those serious about trading, aiming to increase their profits while being part of a professional and focused group.

Of course, there are plenty of free options, so anyone can confidently start exploring the Ultimate Team market.

Do you need help? Join the FUT Simple Trader server, where our experienced community and professional traders will provide you with advice.

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EA FC Trading Methods

In the world of EA FC Trading, several strategies exist to maximize profits. Below, we explore the most popular methods that can help you trade more efficiently and increase your in-game wealth.

Sniping & Bidding

Sniping Technique

Sniping is a strategy where you buy a specific card at a lower price than the market value and sell it at a higher price. It's essential to follow Squad Building Challenge (SBC) requirements, as these can influence card prices. For example, if an SBC requires a specific league, nation, or position, it can be helpful to set a sniping filter for these cards. Sniping requires quick reaction times and solid market knowledge to spot the best deals.

Night Bidding

The night is an ideal time for bidding, with fewer active players on the market, allowing you to acquire cards at cheaper prices and sell them for a higher price in the morning. Night bidding is especially effective during quieter periods to reduce competition and increase potential profit.

Fakebin Sniping

This method takes advantage of the difference between FUTBIN and market prices. Look for cards listed on FUTBIN for less than their current value, and sell them at the actual price.

SBC Solution Trading

EA FC SBC (Squad Building Challenge) trading strategies allow you to maximize profit in the game. SBCs are challenges requiring players to collect specific cards.

Link Investments

This method takes advantage of the demand surrounding newly released SBC cards. If a popular, high-stat card is released, like a new Pedri SBC, players will search for cards that match him. These cards, like Lamin Yamal, may appreciate, making early investment worthwhile.

FUTBIN AI Solutions

FUTBIN AI-recommended SBC solutions can also be profitable. The AI highlights certain cards that could rise in value quickly. Buy these cards at a lower price and sell them when demand grows.

Marquee Matchups Trading

This weekly SBC is particularly popular as it offers tradable packs as rewards. You can invest in cards needed for upcoming marquee matchups, such as players in important derbies, to take advantage of price changes. Timing is critical in this strategy.

Fodder Investment

Fodder cards, high-rated but with weaker gameplay stats, can gain value during major SBCs. Watch the market and buy these cards when prices are low, then sell them when SBCs increase demand. This method can be effective for long-term profit if timed correctly.

Chemistry Style Trading

EA FC Chemistry Style trading is a popular method among players. Chemistry Style cards are special cards that improve specific player stats, like speed, passing accuracy, or defense. As these cards can greatly influence performance, they are in high demand, creating opportunities for trading.

Basics of Chemistry Style Trading

Players buy Chemistry Style cards at lower prices and sell them at higher rates. Staying updated on current prices and observing how these cards' values change is crucial. Popular Chemistry Style cards include "Hunter," which improves speed and shooting, and "Shadow," which boosts speed and defense. These cards are especially valuable for quick attackers and strong defenders.

Sniping and Mass Bidding

One method to maximize profit is sniping, where you acquire cards at prices lower than the market average. This requires quick reactions and patience, as popular cards sell fast. Some traders use EA FC Sniping Bots, also known as Autobuyers, to assist with this. You can learn more about this here.(link)

Another strategy is mass bidding, where you place multiple bids on the same Chemistry Style card at a lower price, hoping to win several.

FUT Simple Trader Sniping Bot

Promo (Event-Based) Trading

Strategies used during EA FC promotions can be very profitable if you time your trades well. Promotions are crucial in the market as they bring new cards and events that can cause price fluctuations. Below are some effective methods for trading during promotional periods.

Preparing for the Promo

Before promotions, usually on Wednesday, a loading screen previews the new cards. On Thursday and Friday, leaks can affect card prices. It's wise to manage your team carefully and avoid potential price drops. For instance, if a new card in a similar position is coming out, consider selling your existing card before the official release to avoid a drop in value.

First Hour Flip

After Friday promotions are released, cards often hit the market at lower prices during the first hour. This can be a great chance for quick profit, but be cautious, as prices may fall quickly.

Overnight Flipping

Cards often hit their lowest prices at night, especially between 1-2 AM UK time. Buying during these hours and selling at a higher price the next morning, when the European market is active again, can help you minimize risk and increase profit.

Lighting Rounds and Mass Bidding

During Friday promotions, especially between 6-7 PM, many players open packs, leading to an oversupply in the market. Use this time for mass bidding to buy cards at lower prices and sell them later for a profit.

Weekend and Monday Flips

Prices usually drop on Sunday afternoons and Mondays. Buying during these times and selling later in the week, when prices rise again, can be an effective way to profit from EA FC promotional periods.

Flipping & Icon Flipping

Flipping strategies are based on short- and long-term price changes. The aim is to buy cards at a low price and sell them for a higher price.

Rebound Flips

These cards often drop in value due to an SBC or promotion but can rebound when demand increases. This method carries more risk but can offer higher returns if you choose your targets wisely. Rebound flips work best with a solid understanding of market trends and quick reactions to price changes.

Daily Flips

Cards that fluctuate in price daily provide opportunities for regular, smaller profits. Cards with predictable price changes are ideal for this strategy. By consistently applying this method, you can achieve stable, long-term gains.

Overnight Flipping

This technique lets you profit while you sleep. Cards often drop to lower prices at night, especially during European players' off-hours, and rise again in the morning. This strategy is effective for popular promotional cards, which tend to have high demand.

Icon Flipping

By tracking and analyzing the icon card market, you can find the best times to buy and sell. This approach requires detailed market knowledge, but when done correctly, it can lead to significant profits. Due to their unique status, icon cards generally have higher values, making timing crucial.

Low Budget Flipping

With a smaller budget, trading lower-value cards that fluctuate frequently can still be profitable. These cards are often used in SBCs, leading to constant price changes. Trading in these lower-priced cards helps minimize investment risk.

Keep in mind that EA applies a 5% tax on all transactions, so adjust your buying and selling prices accordingly. For precise calculations, visit our EA Tax Calculator page.

Don't forget that while trading, EA charges a 5% tax on every transaction, so you need to factor this into your buying and selling prices. If you want to be certain, visit our EA Tax Calculator page.

Investment Trading

Effective investment strategies are essential for maximizing profits in the EA FC market. Here are some fundamental methods:

Monday Investments

Mondays are ideal for investing as prices often drop after the Sunday rewards. Gold meta cards, like Walker, typically fall in price and then rise again as players rebuild their teams for the week. This approach lets you buy popular cards at a lower price and sell them later at a higher price.

Link Investments

When a new SBC card is released, players look for cards that pair well with it in their teams. For example, if a Grealish SBC is introduced, investing in players who link with him, like Foden, can be advantageous as these cards' values may increase.

OOP Trading

OOP (Out of Pack) investments involve promotional cards that are no longer available in packs. As their supply decreases, both demand and prices often rise. Focus on cards that are popular and relevant in the meta, as these can also be solid long-term investments.

Fodder Investments

Fodder cards, which are high-rated but have lower gameplay stats, can see significant price increases when new SBCs are released. Monitor market trends and buy these cards when prices are low, then sell them when SBC demand raises prices. This method can be profitable if timed well.

Live Card Trading

Live cards, which update based on real-world performance, offer significant investment opportunities. Follow matches and player performances to buy and sell these cards at the best times. Live cards can see considerable value increases if the player or team performs well.

Low Budget Investments

Low-budget cards, such as those needed for puzzle SBCs, also offer good investment opportunities. These cards often increase in value when new SBCs are released, so buying them in advance can help you capitalize on the price rise. Investing in low-budget cards allows you to achieve significant profits with minimal capital.

The FC 25 Hero cards are suitable for the flipping technique.

How to Earn Your First 1 Million Coins

In EA FC 25, there are various strategies to help you quickly reach your first 1 million coins. Here are some essential steps and techniques to get started:

First 100K

At the start of the game, your first goal is to earn 100,000 coins. Begin by opening the welcome packs, which offer basic players. It’s a good idea to sell these players unless you receive meta players like Ferland Mendy, who should be kept until the full game release, as their prices may significantly increase. Completing SBCs, especially the basic combination SBCs, is also a solid way to earn initial coins.

Solution Trading: When the web app launches, check FUTBIN for SBC solutions and look for key cards essential for completing SBCs. These cards can quickly rise in value, so consider buying them and selling them as their prices increase.

100K - 500K

Once you reach the first 100,000 coins, start investing and applying flipping strategies. For instance, in Marquee Matchups SBC trading, invest in cards that may be required for the weekly SBCs. Additionally, Chemistry Style Trading is an effective approach where you purchase players with special attributes at lower prices and sell them at a higher price.

500K - 1M

With 500,000 coins, you can start using more advanced strategies like OOP trading, flipping promotional cards, and link investments. At this stage, trading in larger volumes and acquiring more cards will help you maximize your profits.

The Role of Timing in EA FC Trading

Understanding price changes for meta cards and timing your trades is key to successful market trading. Predicting and acting on price movements can help you minimize losses and maximize gains.

Price Drop Times

Meta card prices usually begin to drop on Friday at 8 PM when new promotions and SBCs are introduced. They typically reach their lowest point by 11 PM on Saturday, making this a prime time to buy. Additionally, Sunday morning at 9 AM often sees further drops due to rewards, particularly affecting cheaper cards.

Price Increase Times

Monday afternoon and Thursday morning are optimal for selling, as the market tends to recover from weekend drops. Friday morning can also be a good time to sell, as prices often rise following the Marquee Matchups drop on Thursday.

Additional Strategies

Monday mornings are ideal for buying new promotional cards, as they usually hit their lowest prices then. Sunday evening and Monday morning are also effective times to sell, as the market typically stabilizes and prices start to rise.

EA FC Market Activity - The market is most active during these times.

How the EA FC Web App Gives You an Advantage

The EA FC Web App provides several advantages, particularly at the start of the season. It allows early access to trading and team building before the full game is released, giving you a head start over other players. Through the Web App, you can open starter packs and immediately sell tradeable players, helping you gather coins quickly. Investing in popular cards early on can also lead to higher returns, as their value often increases when more players enter the game.

Additionally, the Web App lets you complete early SBCs (Squad Building Challenges), allowing you to earn coins and explore various trading methods, such as sniping or solution trading. These strategies are especially effective in the first days, when market prices fluctuate, and well-timed trades can bring significant profits. The EA FC Web App is an essential tool for a strong and fast start in Ultimate Team.


EA FC Trading is an effective approach for growing your in-game wealth and strengthening your team. Achieving success depends on watching the market closely, timing your trades, and using a variety of strategies. Whether you're new or experienced, trading in EA FC provides a way to progress quickly and improve your overall experience. By understanding market trends and applying different techniques, you can maximize profits and reach your objectives in the world of EA FC Ultimate Team.

Do you need help? Join the FUT Simple Trader server, where our experienced community and professional traders will provide you with advice.

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One Subscription, Unlimited Possibilities

Our all-in-one service makes it easy for you to earn millions.

Discord Trader

9.90 +VAT per month
3.45 +VAT per month
Billed €13.90 + VAT annuall

Join our exclusive Discord Trading channel, where the most experienced EA FC 25 traders provide you with daily tips.

Trading Tips
  • Access to an Exclusive Discord Group
  • Tips by 5+ Advanced Traders
  • Top 100 Traders
  • Daily Updates & Support
  • Investments for All Budgets
  • Buy/Sell Prices & Optimal Times
  • Coverage for Console & PC Platforms
  • Advanced Trading Guides
  • EA FC 25 Starting Guides
  • Early Info on Content (Leaks)
  • Experienced Moderators
  • Discord Trader Badge
Reward Zone
  • Complete Tasks, Collect FST Points & Get Rewards in the Store
  • Regular Giveaways
  • Prediction Game with Monthly Rewards

Pro Trader

13.90 +VAT per month

Enjoy unlimited access to all features of the user-friendly Sniping Bot, including the powerful Auto Trading and Auto Pricing functions.

Sniping Bot
  • Automatic Search, Purchase & Listing
  • Custom Filter Save & Load
  • PC/Mac, Chrome, iOS & Android Apps
  • Auto Trading (Custom Filters)
  • Auto Pricing (Custom Filters)
  • Security features and information
  • Normal & Turbo Speed Modes
  • Statistics Center & Leaderboards
  • Notifications
  • 2 EA Account Changes / Month
Trading Tips
  • Basic Sniping Strategies & Guides
  • Discord Pro Badge
Reward Zone
  • Complete Tasks, Collect FST Points & Get Rewards in the Store
  • Regular Giveaways
  • Prediction Game with Monthly Rewards
  • Gift 100 FST Points / Month
Estimated profit / month * 2 million coins+

Premium Trader

17.90 +VAT per month
7.48 +VAT per month
Billed €29.90 + VAT annuall

An all-in-one Premium service with sniping filters, including everything from the Discord Trader & Pro Trader packages, and:

Sniping Bot
  • One-click Loadable Filters Available 24/7
  • Live, Trending & Preset Filters
  • Auto Trading with loadable Live, Preset & Trending Filters
  • Multi-Rarity Filters for Group & Big Sniping
  • Unlimited EA Account Changes
  • Priority Discord Support
  • Access to Latest Features
Trading Tips
  • Discord Premium Badge
Reward Zone
  • Gift 200 FST Points / Month
  • Unlockable Dashboard Perks
  • Exclusive Store Discounts
  • Extra Tasks for FST Points
  • Free Prediction Game Entry
Estimated profit / month * 5 million coins+

Start 24 hours free Premium trial

No credit card is required • 30 day money back guarantee at

* Statistics are based on the EA FC 24 season and the top 10 monthly user averages.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find the answers to your FUT Simple Trader questions right here.

General questions

The FIFA Ultimate Team Simple Trader is a powerful trading tool based on the FIFA Ultimate Team market. The application automates purchases while also providing tips and statistics on them. You can gain a competitive advantage over others by making purchases, allowing you to earn a measurable profit in the game's internal currency (FIFA Coin).

FIFA points and packages can be bought in the game to earn in-game money. Because this is entirely dependent on chance, you can only produce many coins at a high cost.

Another (illegal) option is to pay a high price to buy coins from online stores. A million coins are currently worth around $190.

However, with the help of FUT Simple Trader and some effort, you can quickly earn this number for only $20 per month.

Even inexperienced users can quickly reach a profit of 100,000 coins per day by following our general advice.

A more experienced trader can earn 300k to 800k per day.

Everything, of course, is dependent on basic liquidity as well as market intensity.


There is a small chance that EA will ban your account because it does not support third-party tools.

Using the app is the same as using it manually. All functions have been designed to control the WEB APP with traditional mouse clicks. As a result, it is not riskier than trading manually.

When EA discovers illegal coin trading, players are typically banned. If you follow the safety tips we've developed, you can almost eliminate the possibility of being banned. For example, if you buy or sell a player at a price higher than the market due to a mistyped filter.

Over the course of a year of testing, no profile was banned, and we earned more than 10 million coins.

Of course, EA uses automation and robots to protect itself from unauthorized coin access.

This causes it to automatically close after a certain number of searches and requires you to enter a Captcha. This proves that you are not a robot. After that, you can resume using the Web APP. This is how it works whether you search the market manually, automatically, through a WEB APP, or in a game.

There is also a "soft ban" that the player receives if he overuses the market. This is related to the number of searches and the number of successful transactions. You will be temporarily banned from using the market app from the Web APP if you exceed a certain limit. In this case, after pressing the search button, you will see a red error message and an empty web list of results. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to a day, according to our tests, depending on the number of searches.

The good news is that sticking to our rules will completely prevent the "soft ban," and the captcha only occasionally appears. You can read more about safety tips here.

You can almost eliminate the chance of your profile and WEB APP being banned by following a few simple tips:

  • Always take breaks between stages of your search.
  • Keep your daily search numbers under 5,000 and spread them out as much as possible.
  • Use “Turbo Mode” for extensive searches only for a few minutes and then take a break.
  • Take a break from searching for a few hours if you still receive the “soft ban.”
  • Make sure to carefully and accurately complete the Captcha.
  • Play the game on a regular basis rather than just using the web app.
  • Be patient; if you follow these rules, you can make a profit!

Internal security measures frequently maintain our users' safety. For instance:

  • We do not allow you to sell the player for less than the price you paid for it.
  • We do not automatically bid when there are ten or more results in a search; approval is required to ensure that the settings are correct.
  • When no player is selected and a search is started, we must wait for confirmation.

Setup and Usage

Installing the FUT Simple Trader app from the official store only requires a Google Chrome browser. After installation, you must log in using your profile data. You can register or subscribe using this link.

Our plugin is available at this link. Launch the FIFA Web App after clicking the installation button, and the sidebar will appear. If the Web app was already open, an update is required before it will load.

Yes, we have mobile applications.

You can get to the statistics center by clicking on this link.

No, you can only link a subscription to one profile and one EA account. If you want to link your subscription to another EA account, please contact

According to our tests, 5,000 search numbers per day are safe. However, this should never be done all at once but rather throughout the day with breaks.

You can increase your efficiency by following these general guidelines:

  • Follow our "Safety Tips," which you can find HERE.
  • Check that the transaction has been set up in accordance with the prices before each listing.
  • Use our social features to share your experience with others.

The three-speed levels make it easier to use your daily search effectively.

You can earn coins all day long, almost passively, by using "Safe mode," which pauses for 2 minutes after 20 searches before continuing the search.

"Normal mode" is the average speed, and you can leave the app running for a while, but you should manually take breaks every 30 to 60 minutes.

"Turbo mode" doubles the speed of the search. You can use this when you need to react quickly to market changes. A 10- to 20-minute break is recommended. It requires the most attention, but you can quickly make huge profits.

There are three risk groups based on intensity: low risk, medium risk, and high risk. This indicates the possibility of receiving a “soft ban” or captcha. If you follow the guidelines, no restrictions will appear in either mode.

You can read more about the WEB APP defense mechanism and bans here.

Anyone can use the tool to buy cards at a lower price and then sell them at a higher price, so no market knowledge is required.

But if you want to maximize profit, it is worth learning a little about the market and trading trends and using the guidance we provide.

We provide general usage tips to all our users. Only our Premium subscribers receive personalized advice on current events.

Payment & Support

You can start your subscription through the Patreon platform. More details will be provided during the checkout process.

You can cancel your subscription at any time. After canceling your subscription, you can continue to use our services for the rest of the month.

If, despite the usage recommendations we've provided, you don't achieve a profit with the program, or in special cases, we will refund your subscription fee within 30 days. However, if you continue to use the application for multiple days and generate a profit, the refund guarantee will no longer be valid. The subscription fee will not be refunded even if you use a large number of Live filters. We will examine each case individually.

For lifetime purchases, there is no possibility for a refund.

Click here to join our Discord group and get trading advice from our community.